Application Filing Closed

We are no longer accepting ERC applications at this time.

Home Get Started – ERCB Affiliates

Due to legislative updates that will most likely bring an early end to the ERC filing window, we are not currently accepting new ERC applications. If this changes, we will update accordingly and will resume our intake of applications at that time.

If you have an inquiry we can help with, please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected] or call at 561.680.4677

Or you can schedule a call at a time that works for you below.

You May Be Eligible if You...

Had Decreased Revenue

Experienced a significant decline in gross receipts. Your business must have had a quarter in 2021 where total gross receipts were less than 80% compared to the corresponding quarter in 2019.

Suspension of Operations

A full or partial suspension of operations occurs when there was a governmental order during a calendar quarter that restricted commerce, travel, or meetings due to COVID-19, resulting in an impact on the regular functioning of your trade or business.

Paid Full or Part-Time W2 Employees

You provided wages, whether full or part-time, to W-2 employees (excluding family members or owners) throughout 2020/21.

Our ERC Filing Process

Our process in facilitating your ERC refund is easy and stress-free; simply...

  • Complete a Qualifying Form
  • Discovery Call
  • We Calculate Your ERC Refund
  • The Treasury Will Process Your Refund

ERC Benefits is Here to Help

At ERC Benefits, we're committed to streamlining the application process and maximizing the potential of your tax credits. With our experience, we accurately assess your eligibility, ensuring every qualifying factor is taken into account. Our dedicated team handles the complexities of the application process, allowing you to focus on your core business operations.

We continually monitor tax credit regulations and updates, ensuring optimal results and full compliance with the latest rules. If there are any changes that could potentially increase your tax benefits, we make sure to adjust your application accordingly. Trust ERC Benefits to optimize and simplify your tax credit pursuit, enabling you to reap the maximum financial benefits.

To get started in your journey towards potential tax credits, fill out the form above and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.


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